Thursday, August 19, 2010

Family Session

Welcome to town! This family has lived all over and found me online before they moved here! I was very flattered to be found and booked before they moved to town. Here is your sweet family blogged. Thanks for choosing me and I hope you love your portraits!

Cute little TROY boy!

This cutie came to me from GOOD ole TROY ,al one of my favorite places!  He is so cute and didnt want to crack very many smiles for me. Only mommy and daddy could get him to smile that day. Thank you and i hope you LOVE your portraits. 

WAY behind in blogging!

 Im so behind in blogging for 1 reason so many sessions so little time! I LOVE my baby but im ready for MMO to start again b/c i have so little time set aside to work unless she is in the bed or watching a movie. SO here are some sessions i have worked on and put on proof site but have not blogged yet. 

Also on another note i will no longer be posting sneak peeks to Facebook except maybe one or 2 if i just cant contain myself. I have had problems with it and i will leave it at that. Once you have placed your order I am more than happy to put a few on FB for you to use as your profile picture but until then I will not be able to do so. THanks for understanding. 

Now back to the cute baby im about to share! 

How cute is this little 3 month baby boy? look at those big blue eyes! He is one of my 3,6,9,12 month baby planners so we will be seeing a lot more of him this year! He did great but just could not stay awake by the end. We just wore him out.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cutest kid/baby contest winner

I had my photo session with the winner of the cutest baby contest. He is VERY cute! Blue eyed blonde haired beauty! He is also going to be a big brother soon. Im sure we will be seeing more from him and his new brother. Thank you E for entering your cute little man.